Managing Stress

Stress from all sources can have a negative impact on our lives and our health if it is not managed correctly and continues for an extended period of time. Stress can come from various sources – work, personal relationships, financial, illness or injury, losing a loved one or pet, mental health issues including depression and long term chronic health problems, to name just a few. Stress not only takes an emotional toll on our health, but can also manifest itself physically, especially if the stress is long term. Stress can cause muscles aches and pains, headaches, migraines, joint pain, constipation and/or diarrhoea, and a weakened immune system.


REGULAR EXERCISE.Exercise can help to release feel good endorphins and reduce excess amounts of stress hormones. Exercise improves circulation, boosts your immune system and mood.

INCREASE FRUIT AND VEGETABLE INTAKE. Fruit and vegetables support the immune system as they are abundant in essential vitamins and minerals.

TIME OUT FOR YOURSELF. We often feel guilty about putting ourselves first, but sometimes it is the best thing you can do to reduce stress and not experience burnout. You can’t look after others if you can’t look after yourself.

SUPPLEMENTS CAN BE HELPFUL. Stress can strip our body of important minerals such as magnesium and zinc. These minerals play an important role in keeping our immune system functioning correctly, regulating our mood and preventing fatigue. If you have been experiencing long term stress, you may want to consider seeing a health professional about possible nutritional deficiencies and how to rectify them correctly.

MEDITATION. No longer a ‘new age’ idea, meditation has been proven time and time again, to effectively manage stress and stress related conditions, so find yourself a quiet plaMEDITATION. No longer a ‘new age’ idea, meditation has been proven time and time again, to effectively manage stress and stress related conditions, so find yourself a quiet place and connect to your inner self. ce and connect to your inner self.

MAKE CHANGES WHERE YOU CAN. Look at what is causing you stress. Is it something you can facilitate change in? Get a new job. Change your routine. Remove yourself from a toxic situation or from toxic people. Change your mindset.


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